SUMMER POP UP Starts Today Aug 15

Hello everyone! My day of the Summer POP auctions starts today at 2pm EST. Please join me HERE

I will be sharing my day with the fabulous Micki Wilde, if you aren’t familiar with her art, you are in for a real treat!

As of late, it has been hard for me to  focus on my art; my girls have needed me, and they are always my first priority. Growing up is hard, and it never really gets easier.  I’m realizing this more and more. 

This year my work has been little different, a little moody, a little stormy but still, I think, you will see; hope prevails.  It has been that kind of year, a struggle to stay hopeful and positive but I remain stubborn, firmly holding those rose coloured glasses in front of my eye balls.

 As I stated about my previous collection, my biggest hope for you, viewer, and for my girls,  is that my art will lift you up, take your despair and make it a little less, even if just for a second. It is hard to figure out your direction in the world. Where you fit. Even when you aren't worried about masking up or vaccinating. Figuring out life’s path is all consuming but we have to have faith. 

Love and hope to you all,


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Some OOAK reproductions that will be available in the auction.

Some OOAK reproductions that will be available in the auction.